Therapist circle

A Content and Process Group  
for Therapists who are wanting to develop deeper connections, intentional personal and professional self growth.  

The Therapist Circle is semi-structured group between content and process. The theory and modality informing the structure of the group is based upon my experience of facilitating and being a member of several types of groups throughout my career. I quickly became a groupie fan when I experienced my own profound personal growth by belonging to a therapist processing group.

The content for the Therapist Circle group will be informed by the group members needs and desires for learning and growth. Themes may include; case consultation, attachment/communication styles, relationship ruptures, administrative issues, and navigating grey areas.

The process part will be on meaning making, and attending to the human side of being a therapist. The interpersonal interactions of group members will provide an opportunity for deeper self awareness in how you interact with others. Group members are encouraged to be authentic and openly share their thoughts, feelings and experiences. The focus is on the here and now process, exploration of group dynamics, and attending to the therapist, the human.


What Can I Expect?

Small Group Dynamics: Limited to 6-8 participants, ensuring a personalized experience.
Schedule: Commit to 6 monthly sessions April 15, May 13, June 17, July 15, Sept 16, and Oct 7, 2024 from 2:30-4:00pm.
A Semi-Structured Content and Process Group:
Content: The content will be based on the group member's desires and needs for personal and professional growth. The themes may include: relationship ruptures, life stressors, attachment/communication styles, case consultation, and administrative issues.

Processing: The processing part of the group will be on meaning making, and exploring the therapist's thoughts, and feelings on the content being discussed.   

The interpersonal interactions of group members with a focus on the here and now provides an opportunity for deeper self awareness in how you interact with others and perhaps your clients.

Why Join?

Safe Space: Although differences of perspectives and tough conversations may be had, they will be discussed in a respectful manner.
Ongoing Professional and Personal Growth: . The Therapist Circle allows for therapists to engage in experiential learning that is practical, relatable and bridges the gap between theory and practice.
Networking: Connect and foster valuable relationships with other therapists. Build a referral network, and sharing of knowledge and resources with a community of therapist.
Attending to the Therapist, the Human: Too often the human side of being a therapist is ignored which can have a negative outcome on providing good therapy.
Consider the Therapist Circle as a way to prevent and address burnout by having supportive colleagues who can help reduce your feelings of isolation, help you problem solve, and reinforce adaptive coping strategies.

Commitment and Investment:

Your commitment to attend the specified dates during these 6 months is crucial for fostering group cohesion and rapport.

How much?

$110 per session


April 15, May 13, June 17, July 15, Sept 16 and Oct 7th
From 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Soft Space Studio

Reserve Your Spot Today

 What if I can't attend all the sessions?

While consistent attendance is encouraged, we understand life happens. Reach out to discuss options with me.

Is this group suitable for new therapists?

Absolutely! Our group welcomes therapists at all stages of their career journey. However, some of the pre-requisites for this group are; a willingness to be humble and curious by recognizing growth as a Therapist and human requires ongoing learning and self-reflection..

How do I know if this group is right for me?

Schedule a consultation by emailing me and we will  discuss your specific needs, goals and expectations.


Tailored Support for Your Professional Growth

Coaching for Therapists - Combat isolation by forging a supportive partnership with a seasoned therapist who has been through the steep learning curve of doing therapy and moving into a solo clinical practice. Coaching may be around; administrative and business aspects of your practice, education, skill enhancement and building confidence.

The 1:1 Coaching for Therapists offers a collaborative, non-judgmental space to address your unique needs and goals.

Seek personalized COACHING